what we believe...
The Bible is God's Word written, and contains truth about abundant life for us today.
God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is the eternal, creator, all-powerful, everywhere present, all knowing, holy, good, just and righteous God of love.
Jesus is God the Son who was born of a virgin, clothed himself in our humanity, died and rose again on our behalf. He is alive today and is coming again. Jesus is the Saviour and King who graciously offers forgiveness of sin and eternal life to everyone who believes in Him.
The Church is the community of people in the world who have received new life through Jesus Christ. The church is called to meet together, to grow and encourage each other, and to tell of the good news of Jesus. As part of our church life at FCF we practice baptism for those who have believed in Jesus and share together in the Lord's Supper as a reminder of Jesus' sacrificial death.
Satan is a being who is opposed to the purposes of God for the universe and humanity. Our world is currently living out the consequences of his rebellion against God.
We are all created in the image of God and therefore are of great worth and significance. However, the whole of humanity are living under the impact of a fallen world. We are all in need of the new life that only God can give through a relationship with Jesus.
One day, as promised, Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead, and to make all things new, taking those who believe in Him to an awesome eternity in heaven.
God the Holy Spirit ... the Spirit of Christ, is actively and powerfully working in people’s lives today.